Philosophers Behaving Badly...
Postings from members of the Triple Nine Society. The Triple Nine Society is an international association of persons with documented I.Q.s at or above the 99.9th percentile. Please visit their website, The Triple Nine Society is not officially connected to or affiliated with this blog in any way and is not responsible for any of the content on this site. For more information on the Triple Nine Blog, email:
Pantanassa, (who styles herself an "Ancient" Greek), says that some of these ancient dishes remind her of her grandmother's cooking.
Gives a whole new gloss to the phrase 'dead duck' .....
Because of the McCain-Feingold law the Federal Election Commission may get involved if someone posts a link on a website to a campaign, or even if they reproduce a press release on their site.
California has a shield law that protects "journalists" from revealing their sources. In a case involving Apple Computers, the court agreed with Apple's claim that people who publish on web sites are not "legitimate members of the press."