Google AdSense?
I'm thinking of signing up this blog with Google AdSense. Google will place "unobtrusive ads" on the site and will pay me (probably pennies) if people click through them and/or make purchases.
Google Adsense's site is:
I did not start this blog with any intention of making money. If it does make money, and I'm sure in the beginning it'd be very, very modest, perhaps I can donate some (or all) of it to a worthy cause such as the Triple Nine Society. I don't however want to create any "official" connection, legal or otherwise to the Triple Nine Society.
Any comments would be appreciated.
Since blogspot is a free host and blogger blogs require little in the way of setup or maintenance, I'd recommend donating all the income from AdSense to TNS or other causes. It would be too complicated to divide it between the various blog posters, and unfair for you (Peter) to get all the profit from a community enterprise. On the other hand, if you feel that you'll end up being the main poster or doing a lot to maintain the site, then maybe people wouldn't object to your getting the ad revenue.
By the way, why don't we want a semi-official connection to TNS?
I have no problem with donating ALL the money to the Triple Nine Society or not having any Google Adsense ads at all. I expect there will be little money, if any, generated if ads are placed, and I am curious to see what revenues might be generated. Given that this is a brand-new blog, all this talk is likely extremely pre-mature, but I want to be very up-front about everything, plus I can understand why people would not want others to personally profit from their posts. Consequently, I think the best decision would be either all the money should be donated to TNS or there should be no ads.
I think that the main reason that to not have any official connections with the Triple Nine Society whatsoever is to keep the Triple Nine Society immune to any possible legal liablities. Of course, nothing whatever prevents the Triple Nine Society from establishing its own official blog.
I agree with you that this blog has many possibilities. People would be naturally curious and interested to read what "point-one-percenters" think about various things.
Moreover, for a writer to be publicly identified as being a TNS member I think adds a bit of credibility.
Also, the blog may induce people who qualify to join TNS. And who knows what other possibilities can develop.
Perhaps initially any monies generated should be saved towards the purchase of internet advertising to promote the blog and increase readership of the blog.
Anyway this is all awfully premature; any monies generated anytime in the near future will be de minimus.
If the "problem" arises that a significant amount of money is generated, the blog and TNS will be the beneficiaries.
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