Planetary Dynamics and Climate
Or, evidence that the real hot air of the climate scare is coming out of hungry pseudo-scientists' mouths on the global warming bandwagon, aka "scientific consensus", of the UN's program to initiate an even bigger scam than the oil for food charade...
What cliff? It only cooled down to where we are now 1000 years ago. Back before that they were farming Greenland (more recently in fact) and the Sahara was a verdant plain. The time was called Eden in mythology. Higher CO2 helps plants grow better and with less water. That's exactly what we need in the world now, when our species, as a whole, is on the verge of sentience. If it is getting warmer that would be a good thing. The temperature over the last 1000 years has been dropping at the same rate as it dropped out of the Eemian interglacial. The facts show increased CO2 will be good, whether or not it does increase temperature. How many people live on the 20% of Earth's surface near the poles, and how many live on the 20% near the equator? That would indicate getting warmer would not be as much a problem as getting colder, right? It's not going to stay the same whatever we do. Climate is constantly changing anyway.
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